

MOM:  Did you and Luler go for a walk when you got home.  [Luler – one of my mom’s names for the Bear.]

ME:  No, I think she was sore – I let her try to go up and down Amanda’s front stairs on her own.  OR, maybe she didn’t want to go because of the fireworks.

MOM:  Oh, that makes more sense.  I thought I heard gun shots.  You know where we live.

ME:  Yes mom, I know South-Central, I grew up there.

MOM:  Well yeah, you know, you hear gun shots, you just stay in.  You let the neighbours do their thing.

ME:  Yup, sounds about right.  So when you go out West, don’t line up any gigs for me and Damen, we haven’t practice in like a year or more.

MOM:  I know Mikey.  You need to get your act together.  Maybe, this summer, maybe you can start practicing.  Maybe.  I don’t know Mikey, in that picture, I think that Accordion is too big for you.  Even Rose thought so.

ME:  I know, I know.  I think we need more exposure too.  What do you think about a blog, or a vlog.

MOM:  I don’t know what that is Mikey.

ME:  It’s like a blog, but it’s a video, hence Vvv-log. 

MOM:  No Mikey, no.

ME:  And you can be in it!

MOM:  No Mikey, no.  You know, I’m too shy, and I think you might be too.  You’ve inherited your shyness from your mother.

ME: You’re shy?

MOM:  Yes Mikey.  I’ll think about the Flog.

ME:  Vlog.

MOM:  Yes, the Flog.

ME:  Video log.  Vvvvvvlog.

MOM:  Yes Mikey, I know what you’re saying, I know what you’re saying.  I know the letters. But when do you go flogging? 

ME:  What?!?

MOM: For your flog, who are you going to flog with?

ME:  Vlog.

MOM: Yeah, I know, I know. You know, we could send it to that young boy in Cambridge.  You know the one, he was in Stratford, and I gave him the money when he was a little punk.

ME:  Beiber?

MOM:  Yes, Justin Beiber.  And you and Damen need something to wear. 

ME:  What?

MOM:  Yes, something pretty.